When Does Female Fertility Start to Decline?

A concern for many women entering their 30s and beyond is when their fertility potential will begin to decline. Studies show conclusively that older women suffer more fertility problems than younger women. In our society especially, where women pursue rewarding careers and often delay childbearing in the process, deciding when to pursue pregnancy while facing a ticking “biological clock” can be a daunting choice. The…

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Age and infertility Causes of Infertility Female Infertility Fertility Memphis Infertility Trying to get pregnant

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Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a serious condition that occurs when the embryo implants outside the uterus, such as in one of the fallopian tubes. This happens very rarely, in about 2% of naturally conceived pregnancies, but medical attention is needed immediately when it does happen. It can be scary and sad to go through, and the loss may take some time to cope with emotionally….

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ectopic pregnancy Fertility Memphis Trying to get pregnant

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Meet Dr. Amelia Bailey

This blog is a Q&A with Dr. Amelia Bailey, a reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist who joined Fertility Associates of Memphis as Director of Minimally Invasive Surgery. Why did you specialize in infertility? I love how this field incorporates everything I enjoy doing: hearing personal stories from patients while getting to know them, offering both medical and surgical treatment as appropriate, and being a part…

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Dr. Amelia Bailey Fertility Memphis

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Healthy Eating While You’re Pregnant

Every day, patients ask doctors at Fertility Associates of Memphis what NOT to eat during pregnancy to avoid listeria. Listeria is a bacteria that can contaminate food and cause a serious infection, so it is an important public health concern in the U.S. – especially in pregnant women.  In fact, the incidence of listeriosis among pregnant women is approximately 13 times higher than in the…

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How common are fertility treatments in the U.S?

Since the first in vitro fertilization (IVF) was successfully performed in 1978, there has been a huge increase in couples using assisted reproductive technologies – couples who wish to conceive but experience difficulties getting pregnant or staying pregnant. For hundreds of years, about 10 to 15 percent of all couples in the U.S. experienced significant problems with achieving pregnancy. Historically, these couples were left with…

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