Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, defined as two or more consecutive miscarriages, is a devastating condition that causes grief for many couples. Many couples may experience a pregnancy loss, especially an early loss in the first trimester. This does not carry with it an increased risk of having pregnancy loss in the future. Having two or more miscarriages, however, places a couple at a much higher statistical…

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Infertility Miscarriage Preimplantaion Genetic Diagnosis Preimplantation Genetic Screening Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

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Local Meteorologist Shares Infertility Experience

Meteorologist Lauren Raymer recently shared her infertility journey (and announcement that she’s expecting twins) on Local 24 Memphis, highlighting the work done by Dr. William Kutteh and Fertility Associates of Memphis that has helped create so many families like hers. New mom Gina Garrison also talked about her experience as a patient. As part of the story, Local 24 was given access to the lab…

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Report: Will Freezing Eggs Free Your Career?

Fertility Associates of Memphis responds to Bloomberg Businessweek article on egg freezing technology Memphis, Tenn. – The April 17th cover story in Bloomberg Businessweek discusses how new egg freezing technology enables women to pause their biological clock, easing their career-family angst. Not since the birth control pill has a medical technology had such potential to change family and career planning, the article states. According to…

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Fertility Associates of Memphis Announces New Tupelo Location

Satellite office helps new patients in northeast Mississippi Fertility Associates of Memphis has announced the opening of a new satellite office in Tupelo, Miss., offering infertility consultations and new patient visits. Appointments began May 19, 2014. The Tupelo satellite office is located at North Mississippi Medical Center’s Longtown Medical Park, 4381 S. Eason Blvd, Suite 204. Dr. Paul Brezina, a board certified Reproductive Endocrinology and…

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Female Infertility Fertility Memphis Tupelo Fertility

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To Have My Sweet Miracle Baby is a Dream Come True

When my husband Chad and I first moved to Tennessee, we couldn’t wait to start a family. I had just signed on to teach third grade at a local elementary School, and Chad had transferred to Memphis with ServiceMaster when the company’s headquarters relocated. We were beginning a new, exciting life together in the Mid-South and we were ready to have a baby. In 2008,…

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