Report: Births From Fertility Procedures Hit New High in U.S.

Memphis, Tenn. – More babies were born from fertility procedures in the United States in 2012 than ever before, according to a report released on Feb. 17 by the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART). SART’s 379 member clinics, which includes Fertility Associates of Memphis, reported that, in 2012, they performed 165,172 procedures involving in vitro fertilization (IVF), in which an egg from the mother-to-be…

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Fertility Associates of Memphis Responds to National Study about Fertility Treatments

Multiple Births Linked to Fertility Drugs: The Latest Report Memphis, Tenn. ‒ Over the past four decades, it has been well documented that increases in the use of fertility treatments have coincided with a significant boom in the rate of multiple births in the United States. The reason for this trend is that fertility treatments can sometimes create a situation where multiple embryos may implant…

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Fertility Associates of Memphis Gives More Than $3,000 to St. Jude

The children of St. Jude all came out winners this past Saturday, even though there were no official runners crossing the finish line after icy weather conditions cancelled  the St. Jude Marathon Weekend. Fertility Associates of Memphis, a bronze-level sponsor of the St. Jude Marathon Weekend, gave more than $3,000 to St. Jude as part of its fundraising efforts, including a Facebook campaign that rewarded…

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Cancer and Fertility Preservation Egg Freezing Fertility Memphis Fertility Preservation

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Fertility Associates of Memphis Physicians Lead National Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Discussion

Drs. Brezina and Kutteh teach at 2014 American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Meeting Memphis, Tenn. ‒ Drs. Paul Brezina and William Kutteh of Fertility Associates of Memphis were selected to direct and lead the recurrent pregnancy loss program at the 2014 annual clinical meeting of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) in Chicago, Ill.  ACOG holds the nation’s largest meeting for women’s…

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Fertility Associates of Memphis Doctors Stay On Top of Latest Infertility Research at ASRM

The three doctors at Fertility Associates of Memphis ‒ Drs. Raymond Ke, William Kutteh, and Paul Brezina ‒ stayed on top of cutting edge infertility research and technology at the 2013 annual meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). Drs. Ke and Kutteh Present New Infertility Research At the ASRM meeting, which was held in Boston, Drs. Ke and Kutteh presented their latest…

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Fertility Memphis Fertility Research Preimplantation Genetic Testing

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