Meet Dr. Amelia Bailey

This blog is a Q&A with Dr. Amelia Bailey, a reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist who joined Fertility Associates of Memphis as Director of Minimally Invasive Surgery. Why did you specialize in infertility? I love how this field incorporates everything I enjoy doing: hearing personal stories from patients while getting to know them, offering both medical and surgical treatment as appropriate, and being a part…

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Dr. Amelia Bailey Fertility Memphis

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Amelia Bailey, M.D.

Memphis Fertility Specialist, Amelia Bailey, M.D. Dr. Amelia Purser Bailey is the Director of Fertility Preservation at Fertility Associates of Memphis and board certified in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. Dr. Bailey is also board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Bailey was an Instructor at Harvard Medical School and a Visiting Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of…

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Infertility Awareness: What you Should Know in Your 20s, 30s, and 40s

National Infertility Awareness Week is April 20-26 this year, so this month is a great time to learn more about infertility. Infertility is a problem that can touch couples in all age ranges, although fertility potential generally decreases over time. Here’s what you should know: In Your 20s Your 20s are your peak fertility years. However, some may still experience difficulty achieving pregnancy. For many…

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Infertility Infertility Awareness

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Explaining “Unexplained Infertility”

For most couples struggling with infertility, the cause can be quickly identified: endometriosis, blocked
 fallopian tubes, defective ovulation, poor sperm quantity or quality, and so forth. However, for many 
patients, standard diagnostic testing fails to identify a specific cause. This is generally referred to 
as “unexplained infertility” and accounts for roughly 25% of couples seeking help from a reproductive 
physician. Infertility testing for unexplained infertility…

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Causes of Infertility Female Infertility Fertility Memphis Stress and Infertility

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Infertility Myths vs. Facts

When it comes to getting pregnant and infertility, there’s no shortage of myths. Chances are you’ve heard a lot of them from well-meaning family and friends hoping to make you feel better. But when you’re trying to conceive, it’s important to separate fact from fiction — especially since believing some of these myths could hold you back from getting the care and fertility treatment you…

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Causes of Infertility Female Infertility Fertility Memphis Infertility Myths Secondary Infertility Stress and Infertility

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