What is a Saline Infusion Sonohysterogram (SHG)?

For many couples trying to conceive, a Saline Infusion Sonohysterogram (SHG) is a part of the initial evaluation recommended by reproductive medicine specialists. Through this test, doctors can learn more about abnormalities that might be making it hard to achieve or maintain a pregnancy. An SHG is done in-office while the patient is awake. It involves the placement of a small catheter into the uterus…

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Female Infertility Fertility Memphis Infertility evaluation SHG

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Endometriosis and Infertility – What to Know When You’re Trying to Conceive

A common problem, endometriosis makes it difficult for many couples to conceive. Thankfully, surgery and other methods of fertility treatments offer excellent outcomes for couples struggling with endometriosis. What is Endometriosis? When the tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus (endometrium) is found outside the uterus, it is called “endometriosis.” To further explain, the cells in the inside lining of the uterus support…

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Endometriosis and Infertility Female Infertility

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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, defined as two or more consecutive miscarriages, is a devastating condition that causes grief for many couples. Many couples may experience a pregnancy loss, especially an early loss in the first trimester. This does not carry with it an increased risk of having pregnancy loss in the future. Having two or more miscarriages, however, places a couple at a much higher statistical…

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Infertility Miscarriage Preimplantaion Genetic Diagnosis Preimplantation Genetic Screening Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

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Fertility Associates of Memphis Announces New Tupelo Location

Satellite office helps new patients in northeast Mississippi Fertility Associates of Memphis has announced the opening of a new satellite office in Tupelo, Miss., offering infertility consultations and new patient visits. Appointments began May 19, 2014. The Tupelo satellite office is located at North Mississippi Medical Center’s Longtown Medical Park, 4381 S. Eason Blvd, Suite 204. Dr. Paul Brezina, a board certified Reproductive Endocrinology and…

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Female Infertility Fertility Memphis Tupelo Fertility

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Valentine’s Day and Infertility

Another Valentine’s Day is almost here – a day of love, Cupid, and all things hearts and arrows. If you and your partner are struggling with infertility during this holiday, romance may seem like it has flown out the window with all of the stresses you’ve faced. The pressure to make Valentine’s Day all about sex and romance can feel daunting, especially if you have…

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Stress and Infertility Trying to get pregnant Valentine's Day and Infertility

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