Semen Analysis: What to Expect and How It Helps in Fertility Evaluation

Semen Analysis

Understanding Semen Analysis When couples face difficulties conceiving, a semen analysis is often one of the initial steps in the fertility evaluation process. This diagnostic test provides valuable insight into male fertility potential and can help guide treatment decisions. We at Fertility Associates of Memphis have taken steps to ensure our on-site lab, Memphis Fertility Laboratory, is one of the leading labs in the entire…

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Causes of Infertility Fertility Lab Fertility Laboratory Quality Infertility evaluation Male Infertility Semen Analysis

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Optimizing Male Fertility

June is Men’s Health Month, so now is a great time to learn more about optimizing male fertility – especially since male infertility is so common. Of all couples struggling to get pregnant, approximately one-third have a problem regarding sperm production or function. Many times, such abnormalities can be identified through a semen analysis. In other cases, problems still exist with sperm even with normal…

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Male Infertility Optimize your fertility Semen Analysis Trying to get pregnant

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Fertilization through ICSI

When in vitro fertilization (IVF) was first established in 1978, the fertilization process was accomplished by placing sperm close to an egg and then waiting for fertilization to spontaneously occur. It was noted in these early days of IVF, though, that eggs often had poor fertilization rates with male factor infertility. Today, an assisted reproductive technology called ICSI, or intracytoplasmic sperm injection, has been developed…

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ICSI In Vitro Fertilization Male Infertility

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Explaining “Unexplained Infertility”

For most couples struggling with infertility, the cause can be quickly identified: endometriosis, blocked
 fallopian tubes, defective ovulation, poor sperm quantity or quality, and so forth. However, for many 
patients, standard diagnostic testing fails to identify a specific cause. This is generally referred to 
as “unexplained infertility” and accounts for roughly 25% of couples seeking help from a reproductive 
physician. Infertility testing for unexplained infertility…

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Causes of Infertility Female Infertility Fertility Memphis Stress and Infertility

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What is Sperm Banking?

What you should know about sperm banking Sperm banking is the process of obtaining a semen sample from a man and then freezing and storing that sample for the purpose of achieving pregnancy down the road. Unlike freezing eggs and embryos, the process required to freeze sperm is relatively simple and straightforward. Who should consider sperm banking? Sperm banking has been around for decades and…

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Cancer and Fertility Preservation Fertility Lab Fertility Memphis Sperm banking

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