Stopping the Clock with Elective Fertility Preservation

Elective Fertility Preservation Oocyte cryopreservation, or egg “freezing,” is now available to help preserve fertility. Once considered experimental, this procedure is now approved as a standardized treatment of care for fertility preservation in women who have delayed having children. (In another blog, we discuss fertility preservation for newly diagnosed cancer patients.) About Female Fertility The female body works very differently from the male reproductive system. …

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Female Infertility Fertility Memphis Fertility Preservation

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Fertility Preservation for Cancer Patients

Understanding Your Fertility Preservation Options When Cancer is Involved Cancer treatments, specifically chemotherapy and radiation, are well documented to cause a decrease in fertility in both men and women. This is particularly true in younger patients.  A renewed focus on fertility preservation has recently been placed on cancer patients, due in large part to the fact that cancer therapies have made huge strides over the…

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Cancer and Fertility Preservation Fertility Preservation Oocyte Cryopreservation

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