Smoking and Fertility: Why You Should Quit

Did you know that smoking cigarettes hurts your fertility? You know that smoking is bad for you – causing lung cancer, heart disease, and other health risks. But did you know that smoking cigarettes hurts your fertility, too? Even women exposed to secondhand smoke can suffer health risks. It takes 30 days for the harmful substances from one cigarette to be cleared from the blood…

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Female Infertility Fertility Memphis Infertility Optimize your fertility Smoking and fertility

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How to Talk about Infertility

When you are trying to conceive, communicating with your family and friends can be difficult and challenging. Even a well-meaning relative may offer suggestions or ask questions that will come across outrageously insensitive to you. Below are some tips for how to talk about infertility with family and friends, if you so choose. Decide how much detail you and your significant other should share. Respect…

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Preparing for the Holidays with Infertility

Infertility doesn’t take a holiday, so the added stress of preparing for the whirlwind weeks ahead can leave you feeling even more overwhelmed and oftentimes sad. Restaurants, churches, synagogues, stores, streets, and our neighbors are all in on the celebration, oblivious to our grief. So what’s a hopeful parent to do when preparing for the holidays with infertility? Here are some tips to help you…

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When Does Female Fertility Start to Decline?

A concern for many women entering their 30s and beyond is when their fertility potential will begin to decline. Studies show conclusively that older women suffer more fertility problems than younger women. In our society especially, where women pursue rewarding careers and often delay childbearing in the process, deciding when to pursue pregnancy while facing a ticking “biological clock” can be a daunting choice. The…

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How common are fertility treatments in the U.S?

Since the first in vitro fertilization (IVF) was successfully performed in 1978, there has been a huge increase in couples using assisted reproductive technologies – couples who wish to conceive but experience difficulties getting pregnant or staying pregnant. For hundreds of years, about 10 to 15 percent of all couples in the U.S. experienced significant problems with achieving pregnancy. Historically, these couples were left with…

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